Wednesday, February 23, 2011

New Revelations

I apologize for going so long between posts; here's an update.  First, I did get my Actemra infusion on  February 2nd (missed my January 28th appointment, got my times crossed) and everything went smoothly, despite the snow storm. Second, I have realized a few things:

              1. When I get my infusion I get a cocktail of Benadryl & Tylenol (I don't remember that from last year); no wonder I sleep through the whole experience.

              2. I have Sjogren's Syndrome I kept wondering why I was constantly thirsty, mouth dry, eyes dry, skin extermely dry. (The thirst had me afraid that I had developed diabetes). Now I use Biotene toothpaste, mouthwash, and gum, Thera Tears, and tons of lotion (shea butter) & vaseline (more expenses, sheesh!).

             3. I need B12 shots and vitamins (sent rheumy an email about this); this exhaustion is kicking my behind and I am tired of napping my life away.

             4. I think I have Costochondritis htp://, explains why my rib cage, from front to back, is so tender.

             5. I need pain meds!!! That last flare was so painful and prolonged. I refuse  to suffer through another one with pain meds (sent rheumy an email about this too).

             6. I really LOVE my online RA family. They are supportive, informative, encouraging, tolerant (of my rants), funny, and always loving.

Next Actemra infusion is schedule for March 2nd. Will keep you updated.